Saturday, 23 December 2017

Faux Encaustic Experiments

Faux Encaustic Experiments using Acrylic Gel Medium

Substrate:  Mont Marte 4x4 inch10 x 10cm Canvas Panel.

Painting: Layers of Gel Medium (Chromacryl Impasto Gel (Paintings 1 & 2 - 2 on left) & Matisse Gel Gloss (painting 3 - right) mixed with small amounts of acrylic paint and applied with a painting knife directly or through a stencil (Painting 1). Each layer had to dry before the next layer was applied to create the visual colour mixing effect.
Matisse Gel Med (Matt Finish) was applied with a painting knife to Painting 1. I think this covered too much, so the other paintings are finished with two coats of Atelier Traditional Satin Finish Varnish.

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Abstract Acrylic on canvas panel - Untitled 2017 #4

Acrylic Textured Abstract on canvas panel

Substrate:  Mont Marte 8x10 inch/20.3 x 25.4cm Canvas Panel.

Background:  A basecoat of paynes grey was covered with various gels (Golden Course Molding Paste, Golden Course Molding Paste, & Liquitex Ceramic Stucco) applied with a painting knife to create a textured background. Additional texture was added by pressing plastic canvas (top right) into the stucco/molding paste. When dry, a thin layer of Liquitex Blended Fibres was added (bottom left) and scratched into with a comb.

Painting: Several acrylic paint glazes were applied with Matisse: Hookers Green, Southern Ocean Blue, Indigo Blue (very little), Pthalo Blue, Pthalo Blue + Golden Zinc White, & Golden Buff Titanium (over the blended fibres only).

The round shapes were made using a bottle cap pressed into Chromacryl Impasto Gel + silver and then paynes grey (Jo Sonja). These were too harsh, so I added further glazes to push them back.

Finish: Atelier Traditional Satin Varnish.

Frame:  It needs a frame (without glass). I just haven't decided what type.

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Abstract Acrylic on canvas panel - Untitled #3 2017

Acrylic Textured Abstract on canvas panel
Substrate:  Mont Marte 8x10 inch/20.3 x 25.4cm Canvas Panel.

Background:  Texture was created using Golden Crackle Paste (right) , Liquitex Blended Fibres (bottom left) and stamped (didn't keep a good image, but dried interesting), and Liquitex Ceramic Stucco (top left).

Painting: Layers of glazes using (first layer water only then Atelier Glazing Liquid) mixed with Paynes Grey (Jo Sonja), Trans Yellow Oxide (Matisse), Australian Sienna (Matisse), Trans. Venetian Red (Matisse), Trans. Umber (Matisse), Trans Red Oxide (Matisse) & Zinc White (Liquitex).

I didn't like how the fibre paste was looking, so a layer of Gel Medium Matte (Matisse) plus touch of Trans Yellow Oxide was scraped over with a painting knife.

Towards completion a little extra texture was added using Golden Glass Bead Gel (bottom left above fibre paste) and Matisse Black Flakes Hex (over Paynes Grey down centre). When dry Copper (Jo Sonja) was painted over the bead gel (trying to keep only on the beads).

Finish: Atelier Traditional Gloss Varnish.

Frame: A very simple thin black frame.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Abstract Acrylic on canvas panel - Untitled 2017 #2

Acrylic Pour over texture on Canvas Panel 8x10"
Substrate:  Mont Marte 8x10 inch/20.3 x 25.4cm Canvas Panel.

Background:  Various gels (Golden Course Molding Paste, Golden Glass Bead Gel, Liquitex Blended Fibres, and Liquitex Ceramic Stucco) through stencils were used to create a textured background.

Painting: Dirty pours of different viscosity acrylic paints. The thicker paint needed to be pushed around with a painting knife.

Finish: Atelier Traditional Gloss Varnish.

Frame:  It needs a frame (without glass) but both the white (pictured) and black and timber frames I have don't quite look right either. I think I'm going to have make a frame and paint it. Maybe silver or grey or red?

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Abstract Acrylic on stretched canvas - Untitled 2017 #1

Abstract Acrylic Knife Painting 18 x 24cm Untitled 2017 #1
Substrate:  Mont Marte Studio Series 18 x 24cm/approx. 7" x 9.5" (280 Studio Cotton Duck Single Thick) stretched canvas covered with thinned Unbleached Titanium.  

Painting:  Mostly using a painting knife and thick application of:  Atelier Interactive Light Red Ochre and Matisse Structure: Unbleached Titanium, Paynes Grey, Van Dyke Brown, Australian Sienna, Trans. Venetian Red and Aqua Green Light.