Thursday, 12 November 2015

Watercolour - Experiment in creating distance

This is a really simple watercolour trying out this paper and creating distance using cool colours in the back and warmer in the front.
Artist Quality Watercolour on 12x23cm Art Spectrum CP (medium) 300gsm paper
It is actually two experiments. First I was trying out some new paper I got from Art Spectrum. It is CP (medium) 300gsm 100% cotton. It seems much smoother than the Arches Cold Pressed I've been using. I wet the whole area and was trying to create the painting in one go. I didn't like the bottom area and left it for a few weeks.

Then I was practicing creating distance and decided to give this painting another go. I wet the bottom area only and washed on purple to create the hills in the background hoping they would bleed a little. When dry I did the same for darker and greener coming forward. Leaving to dry each time. Finally I dry brushed the trees in thicker green and burnt sienna at the very front.

It has a bit of a sunrise/sunset colouring and I feel so peaceful looking at it.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Acrylic Abstract - Untitled

Acrylic Abstract Painting
Matisse: Diox Purple, Cobalt Teal, Southern Ocean Blue, Burnt Sienna, Australian Sap Green , Australian Yellow Green and Jo Sonja Titanium White. Colours were blended together with a brush, fingers and painting knife.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Watercolour - My first completed painting

I've finally completed a watercolour painting I'm happy with (well good enough to leave alone before I ruin it).
My first completed watercolour
I think it needs a little more dark but I'm going to leave it alone (this is a new concept) and learn for the next one. It is based on a painting from Frank Clarke's DVD "Simply Painting".

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Mixed Media Abstract - Fluid Acrylic Pouring with Acrylic Inks - Untitled

Blue and purple acrylic inks (FW) were poured over a ground of Matisse moulding medium and Golden Glass Bead Gel.