Thursday, 31 January 2013

January 2013 test paintings

A mixture of testing paint colours, mediums and styles on 4x4-inch canvas panels:

1 - 4 Liquitex Pouring Medium and Jo Sonja Flow Acrylics (pre-mixed) & canvas tilted.

5.  Jo Sonja Flow Acrylics. Base of Warm White with Turquoise Lt (Mix of Pthalo Blue, Pthalo Green and White) squeezed from a squeeze bottle in a circular motion around canvas.

6. Base of Matisse Brilliant Alizarin. Using a painting knife, Matisse Impasto Medium spread across canvas panel. Dried. Covered with Golden Glass Bead Gel. Dried. Painted with Jo Sonja Black.

7. Golden Crackle Paste (bottom left). Left until deep cracks formed (approx. 1 day). Painted with Matisse Ultra Blue (top right) and a watery black glaze brushed into cracks. Dry brushed with Matisse Red Lt.

8. Painted with Matisse Ultra Blue and White (top right) and base of Matisse Red Lt (bottom left) and dry brushed with black.